Sunday, May 17, 2009

Top 3 Choices for Foods That Stay Down During Pregnancy

Forget those damn crackers. I couldn’t stand the sight of them. The doctors are always telling us to eat crackers. They did little for me. As I have said in a previous blog, I have suffered from severe morning sickness (Hyperemisis)- so I feel like I have a little knowledge about these things. I know it is different for everyone but I will offer my advice anyway.
Choice #1
Smoothies. Any flavor just as long as it is cold and icy.. Packed with vitamins it is a great way to get some nutrition. My favorite was/is the Malibu Peach from Robek’s. I have soy protein added for that extra added nutrition. Other “boosts” are not recommended for pregnant women.
Something about things being REALLY cold seems to help. I have recommended this to many friends who have enjoyed keeping them down.
Choice #2
French Toast- It’s bready, its got eggy protein and yummy. I actually preferred it with very little syrup so that it was dry but I know that most people like their bread swimming.
It is particularly good with Brioche bread.
Ingredients for about 4 pieces. (If you have never made it before)- 2 eggs, 1/3 cup milk, 1/2 teaspoon of vanilla, dash of allspice.

Choice #3
Granny Apples- An apple a day keeps the doctor away. Well not really in this case but… Apples have less sugar content then most fruit and it good for you. Each apple is about 80 calories and has about 16 grams of sugar has about 3 grams of fiber, 8 grams of vitamin C and 7 grams of vitamin K. It is also high in antioxidants.
I like Granny Apples because they are crisp and tart. Sour always tastes good to me when I am feeling queasy and green. In my opinion there is nothing worse then a mealy apple- but hey, that’s me.
A favorite snack or breakfast is a sliced granny apple with Almond Butter (Creamy Whole Foods Brand) on a rice cake. Dry rice cake- good, almond butter- protein, with apple- super yummy.

And here is an extra-but without a picture because, well, a picture of Matzo Ball soup looks icky
Choice #4
Matzo Ball Soup- On those days where you have just vomited so much that you think you are gonna die, it is best to keep to the liquids and minimal other stuff. So pick one that has lots of nutritional value. Matzo Ball is great because it has the chicken stock, some soft veggies and that mushy matzo ball that feels a little comforting to eat. I only managed to eat a little at a time but I felt better knowing that the baby was getting something healthy. It also isn’t so bad when it comes back up. Gross but definitely a consideration.


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