Friday, May 11, 2007

Organized living

As a mom we are all faced with homes that look like a bomb went off. We clean it up and then we relax for about a minute and 42 seconds before the havoc begins again. It seems endless.
This week I have been trying to find ways of keeping my house looking a little neater and more organized despite the hourly hurricanes that hit. My first plan of attack is my laundry areas and kitchen, which are sort of one and the same. I have my washer and dryer exposed in my kitchen. Last week I got a new washer and dryer and thought a new look was appropriate seeing as the new washer/dryer set cost almost as much as giving birth to my daughter AND I wasn't going to have to use pliers to turn on the dryer anymore. I used to pile laundry baskets of different size and color on the floor, on the washer and adorn the empty spaces with more laundry. Ok- so I am exaggerating a little and am making it sound like I have an obscene amount of laundry BUT there is nothing like those colorful mountains to really create a sense of aesthetic chaos. I used to be that person who often folds the clothes in the closets because I hated the visual assault of piled, unfolded clothing. I am still particular about my surroundings but I have somewhat surrendered to my kids. That being said, I am trying to find ways of "allowing" my house to be a little upside down but still look good.
My first step to organized and aesthetically pleasing living was to get new laundry baskets. This is what this is really all about- my cool new laundry baskets. I am, indeed, a housewares nerd. I haven't been this excited since I don't know when. Either this paints a really pathetic picture of me and what I have become as a mom or I am SO hip for thinking housewares are fun, you are one of those moms that "get it" and will want to keep on reading because well, frankly, the subject is riveting.
So the laundry baskets....I am really sick of the wicker ones and I can never find a good size or shape that doesn't take up too much room in any given space. I was at the Container Store this morning (exhilarating trip to get an undercounter pull-out trash can) and discovered a company named Reisenthel. ( This company is known for their modern and innovative design. I ended up leaving the store with their laundry basket and no trash can. The laundry basket is small, has a removable liner that can be washed and comes in several colors. I like the simple form and feel that it will actually enhance my surroundings rather then say "Hey! Lookie Lookie! I am a laundry basket and I am full of dirty unmentionables!" These baskets offer the benefit of being able to be in clear sight as well as getting several different colors so that the family can sort the laundry by putting them in the "color coded" baskets. Not only will you enjoy the time it takes to TEACH them (over and over and over again) to put the things in the baskets but your eyes won't feel like pins are being stuck in them everytime you look at your laundry area.
Reisenthel has many products ranging from the much loved laundry baskets to tote baskets to square umbrellas. The Container Store carries alot of their stuff. I will definitely be buying more of their space saving and aesthetically PLEASING merchandise.
I have found SO much joy in this new find that I feel compelled to share other amazing finds.....more to come soon...
AND NOW I am off to do some laundry...sigh!



At 4:44 PM, Blogger Peggy said...

I love your blog about your new baskets! I think it's refreshing to hear about someone who's so positive and jazzed about the laundry. We all have to do it, why not find those little things that make it more fun along the way?


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