Tuesday, March 21, 2006

More about time-outs....

Earlier this month we posted a blog about how to deal with your defiant child. I never thought it was possible but SOMEHOW my 2 1/2 year old went from being pretty bad to really bad. I was even told by her pre-school teacher yesterday that we needed to "talk" to her about listening and not screaming. Grrrrrrrreat. I am SO feeling like inadequate mom of the year. I remind myself that she IS only 2 1/2 and that most small little demons, I mean children, go through this. I just hope she is done with this stage soon.

I came across this article at Babycenter today-
There is some good stuff on time-outs and how to have a successful one.

I try SO hard not to raise my voice but in the end I always seem to because my daughter just DOES NOT take me seriously at all. I am glad that she isn't afraid of me but it DOES make it tough to show who is boss....hopefully I am?


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