Thursday, January 03, 2008

Street Smarts for Kids

An estimated 600 children die and more than 39,000 children are treated in the E.R. each year as a result of pedestrian traffic accidents. Safe Kids Worldwide suggests these rules to protect kids:
1. Don't ever allow children under age 10 to cross streets alone.
2. Show kids how to look both ways before crossing and to keep checking for cars as they proceed through an intersection.
3. Teach children to cross the street ten feet in front of a school bus and to wait for adults on the same side of the street as the school-bus stop.
4. Teach children to walk facing traffic, as far to the left as possible, when there are no sidewalks.
5. Make sure children wear reflective materials and carry a flashlight when they walk outside at dawn, at dusk, or in rainy or foggy weather.
6. Never let kids play in driveways, streets, parking lots and unfenced yards near streets.
For more information:



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