Children are...boring?

No doubt about it, parenting is hard and exhausting work. I can speak from experience having just returned from an airplane trip with two kids under 3 by myself. I do agree with the article, that you can't do EVERYTHING for your child or they will never think for themselves. But, I think there can be a balance between parenthood, marriage, work and just life. On the reverse, if this woman finds herself bored with the experience and would rather go shopping...then perhaps she shouldn't have had kids at all. I completely respect the decision NOT to have kids, it's not for everybody. But for me at the end of my life, I'm not going to look back and say - 'gee, i wish I could've worked another day' and 'damn, that was a good sale at Barney's in 2006'. I'm going to want to look back on some great memories we made and say, 'I raised two lovely, contributing humans to society.' Period.
What are your thoughts? Are you bored with being a Mommy?
Hi, I just happened randomly across your website... thought I would contribute to this.
I am a single mother of 2 kids. A 1 year old daughter and a boy that is about to turn 4.
Personally, I can't imagine someone saying they are "bored" with parenthood, maybe frustrated.. or something else.. but I can't see how parenthood could ever be boring.
I'm fascinated just watching my daughter learn and discover new things and I adore having conversations with my son.. most of which makes no sense at all..
I find it odd that a mother would say something like that!
Sounds like the woman who wrote that article had a pretty poor example of a mom from her own mother if she is too self-centered to realize the importance of family.
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