Newborn Essentials

All parents have their own set of items that became absolutely essential during the first three months of their baby's life. This is mamasnap's list and Lulu approved. We hope that it brings you some comfort as you set off to become parents for the first time.
1) Comfy Tub Bather Thing:
Until baby’s umbilical cord falls off, you're pretty much giving sponge baths on the kitchen counter, changing table, floor, garage…. This is a nice, comfy bather for Baby to lie on during these times. (TIP: You will probably be completely stressed that you are going to scald Baby’s tender skin if you add any hot water to the bowl of water you use to wet your wash cloth, yet cold water will probably make him/her cry because he'll just hate it. Trust me, warm water won't hurt anyone and will make you both much happier.)
2) Cloth Diapers:
Not just for diapering.
These will quickly become the most useful item in your home for: extra cloth under baby while changing her diapers means you wash these instead of the whole changing table cover, spit-up cleaner uppers, milk-shooting-uncontrollably-out-of-breast catchers and more.
3) Washcloths:
Little known fact - you can't use baby wipes for the first few weeks because your baby's beautiful new skin is too sensitive for anything but water. Yet, Baby will poop and poop and poop some more, so have plenty of damp washcloths on hand for washing that cute little bumbum.
4) California Baby Calming Non-Talc Powder:
Lulu recommended. We've tried lots of different brands, creams, etc…and we can tell you that CA BABY powder is hands down the very best diaper rash solver on the market. Move over Johnson’s. Move over Desitin, Kiehls, and Balmex. ALL the California Baby products are great…which leads me to…
5) California Baby Shampoo-
Lulu got a rash from the baby shampoos available at the regular supermarket, i.e. Johnson’s, Gerber’s… Some babies, like Lulu, can be product snobs. California Baby® products do not contain Sodium Lauryl Sulfate (SLS) or DEA and are naturally no-tears (no numbing agents); they can be used for hair, face and body. AVAILABLE at all Whole Foods Markets.
6) Nursing Pads:
Leaking will be a fact of life for a while. Just when you think you are done leaking, Baby will have a growth spurt (3weeks, 6 weeks, 3 months, 6 months) and you will find yourself with a nice wet spot on your shirt and an overwhelming feeling of “Geez, am I sexy!” Pad up your nursing bra and your leaking will be your own little secret. I preferred the reusable pads…they seemed to be the softest and your nipples will get sore so softness is a GOOD thing. This is a good segway to # 7
7) Lansinoh:
Heaven in a tube. Your nipples will go through some periods of being so sore that you can't believe that you actually have to feed your beloved Baby again. Just remember that you can always slather them in Lansinoh when feeding time is over. It helps so much. You'll probably go through a few tubes. ALSO- Cooling pads feel great on sore nipples.
8) Gerber Onesies:
Your closet is filled with adorable clothes for your little Baby but sometimes there's nothing like a plain white onesie that lets you just see the baby and not the cute outfit. They’re also great because you won’t really care when they get poop and milk stains on them (which they will).

Lulu swears by them. Some people are funny about them but I say screw um… Babies find sucking to be an extremely soothing activity. Especially in those first few months when their arms and legs flail around- sometimes causing an accidental punch to the face- sucking a pacifier can sooth the whole body. Always keep an extra one around. It is amazing how well they work at the supermarket. There are many opinions about what age to take them away. They don’t hurt their teeth and they usually give it up on their own….you don’t see many 5 year olds with them.
10) Infant Tylenol:
You always want to have some on hand because it would be terrible to have to drive somewhere in the middle of the night when Baby has his/her first fever. It is also great to use BEFORE the baby gets his shots because it minimizes the pain. First Dose size is .4ml
11) Infant Motrin:
Same applies as with Baby Tylenol. I have found that Motrin works better to kill a fever then Tylenol. BUT I only use it for fevers. In Europe they do not use Ibuprofen at all for infants. A fever over 103 is always worthy of a call to your pediatrician. Below that is usually ok…just use your judgement. A cool bath or wash cloth is good to use to bring a fever down as well.
12) Mylicon Drops
Many parents call this the “My Baby’s Crying and I Can’t Figure Out Why, so I think I’ll Try Some Mylicon Drops” Whenever Lulu was upset and NOTHING worked I would assume maybe she had gas and would give her a drop of the Mylicon. Yes, I felt guilty because I was never sure if this was the problem but she DID usually stop crying. I don’t know if it was really gas or the shock of eating medicine? The point is, they don’t hurt the baby (As long as you don’t go overboard) and they make you feel like you did something proactive to solve the problem.
13) Diapers-
There are so many brands and when you are standing in the aisle of the grocery store it can be a little overwhelming. The first ones Lulu used were the generics from Vons/Safeway. They are additive free and work fine. You are going to go through SO MANY at first that it doesn’t make sense to spend the money on the fancies. Baby won’t know the difference. As Lulu got bigger I tried out many brands and found that the Pampers Swaddlers held the blow outs in the best. (Yes I said blowouts…ITS GONNA HAPPEN….A LOT) She is now in Pampers Cruisers but I sometimes use the Huggies Supreme if they are out of Pampers. Toys R US often has sales on diapers as well as on the Toys r Us brand (Especially for baby) wipes which are fine for Lulu’s tender little butt and can be bought in bulk.
Greets to the webmaster of this wonderful site! Keep up the good work. Thanks.
Hallo I absolutely adore your site. You have beautiful graphics I have ever seen.
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