Your Right to Bare it in Public!
Yes, we've all gotten the 'look' or the 'trying not to look' look. Breastfeeding is a reality and if you are choosing this for your child, know your rights for feeding in public. As an added bonus - you also get out of jury duty! Here are some of the recent regulations and changes to the laws regarding breastfeeding:
1. 2002 - Lactation Accommodation (Chapter 3.8 SEction 1030, Par3 of Division 2 of the Cal Labor Code)
This law requires all California employers to provide a resonable amount of break time and to provide the use of a room or other location, other than a toilet stall (thank you very much!), close to the employee's work area, to accomodate an employee desiring to express breastmilk for her baby.
2. 2000 - Jury Duty (Section 210.5 to the Cal Code of Civil Procedure)
This law exempts breastfeeding mothers from jury duty, and requires the State to take steps to eliminate the need for the mother to appear in court to make this request.
3. 1997 Breastfeeding in Public (Section 43.3 of the Cal Civil Code)
This law provides that a mother may breatfeed her child in any location where the mother and the child are authorized to be present.
4. 1995 Breastfeeding Information/Assistance (Sections 123360 and 123365 of the Cal Health and Safety Code)
This law requires all acute care hospitals and hospitals providing maternity care to make avialable a breastfeeding consultant or alternatively, provide information to the mother on where to receive breastfeeding information. The consultant may be a registered nurse with maternal and newborn care experience.
A full text of these laws for Califorina may be found at Now while these laws are for California (because well, I live in California...), laws regarding breastfeeding vary greatly in each state. These can be found at For example 38 states currently have laws regarding breastfeeding in public and 9 states (including California) will let you our of jury duty. Check the legislation for your area and call your local congress to put these issues on the forefront of legislation!
Further information can be obtained through the La Leche League at
Exercise your rights!
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