Taking the "lovey" outside?
Recently I was asked about what to do when a child wants to take their special toy/lovey everywhere with them. I feel well versed in this because my now almost 6 year old, Lulu, has her special friend "Woody" who is essentially her favorite thing in the whole world. Lulu's "lovey" is a japanese toy called Totoro and is virtually impossible to find in the green color that she likes. I managed to buy a few extras over the years but that was not an easy task and she knows the difference between these- which she calls Woody Two- and her own mangy Woody. Woody is basically a small round green beanbag with eyes. She has slept with it every night since she was born...She is NOT allowed to bring him outside the house. I set this rule from the beginning because I know she will be devastated if she loses him. So now, when she loses him for the 48th time each day, I know he is in the house somewhere.(It doesn't help that he is the size of a tennis ball and camoflauges into everything. bad Woody...bad bad Woody!
My recommendation to all mamas out there is try to get your kid attached to something replacable! I live in fear that Woody will disappear. He really is my Lulu's best friend. So I do everything I can to make sure he doesnt get lost and that means he stays IN THE HOUSE! When I travel I put him in a ziplock bag in my purse and he re-emerges when we get to our destination. I don't risk putting him in the luggage. OK..I sound crazy...:)
Then there is the "lets put him in a box or a bag and leave him there and then ask mommy to find him". I recommend leaving a few boxes around that your kids can put things in so when you have to find the lovey you know where to look. My daughter once put Woody in a cookie box and he lived in our pantry for a couple weeks before he was found.. HORRIBLE but funny. For two weeks I was searching endlessly- looking and relooking in drawers, under cushions, in cabinets, pots, EVEN digging in the bushes outside just in case she happened to chuck him out the door. I thought I would make myself crazy but I couldn't bear the "where's Woody" question. She was so sad and SO excited when SHE found him!
I spend SO much time looking for him. So I'll say it again...DO NOT take the "friend" out of the house!
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