Monday, January 22, 2007

Are Kids Parties Out of Control? Answer - YES.

Yes, yes and double yes in my opinion. I read this article today from and this just fuels my irritation at the cost of kid's birthday parties. You should see the pressure the parents in Los Angeles are under to top the next little friend's party. It's just crazy. I actually felt GUILTY for NOT having a big blowout for my daughter's one year old party. We had two small dinner with relatives and a couple of friends and she had a great time. Isn't this what it's all about?

I did go somewhat overboard on my oldest child's parties and after the last one (he is 3) my fellow mamasnapper and I turned to each other and vowed 'never again!' We're going to Disneyland with ONE friend or something like that. So there's my rant for the day. Listen up parents - take that money and put it in a college fund - we're going to need it for the price of college which is skyrocketing. My advice - make some cupcakes and play pin the tail on the donkey (remember that game?) and create a memory instead of joining the race for 'best party of the year for a one year old!' Your thoughts?

- LT


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