Oh, the joy of that sentence: "a small case of head lice was discovered at school" It is enough to make MY head itch...
Now that the kids will be returning to school, it is something that may or maynot enter our lives this coming school year....
Head lice are parasitic insects that live in the hair and scalp of humans. The scientific name for head louse is Pediculus humanus capitis. Another name for infestation with head lice is pediculosis. Head lice is a VERY common condition, especially among children ages 3-10. As many as 6 million to 12 million people worldwide get head lice each year. Outbreaks of head lice occur often in schools and group settings worldwide.
Quick facts:
• Head lice are parasitic insects that live in the hair and scalp of humans. They need human blood to survive.
• Head lice are spread easily from person to person by direct contact.
• Head lice can infest anyone, regardless of personal hygiene.
• Head lice are usually treatable with lice-killing shampoos and creme rinses.
• To prevent infection: 1) avoid direct contact with the head, hair, clothing, or personal belongings of a person with head lice, and 2) treat affected persons, their contacts, and their households.
To help prevent head lice in your children check their heads often, teach them how it is spread and tell them to tell you when their scalp is very itchy.
For more information check out: