Friday, October 09, 2009

Snotty boy, snotty girl

A runny nose might be the result of a cold, allergies, or even spicy foods. Regardless of the cause, a runny nose is usually pretty annoying, if not inconvenient. I came across some home remedies that can be used to treat a runny nose or at least make you fel like maybe you are curing it. Placebo affect? The important thing to remember is that a runny nose is different than nasal congestion and should not be treated with a decongestant unless a doctor recommends it.
A runny nose is the result of increased mucus production in the sinus and nasal passages. In layman’s terms, a runny nose happens when there is a lot of snot in your nose and it is clearing out of your nasal passages. The increased production of mucus is usually the result of the body attempting to clear cold or flu viruses or irritants and allergens from the body. A normal amount of mucus is always present, lubricating the lining of the nasal passageways and keeping germs out. An increased production typically results in runny, snotty noses and even postnasal drip, both of which can be irritating and cause you to blow your child’d nose anywhere from 5 to 473 times during the course of a day.

The best relief for a runny nose is to help the body by gently blowing the nose at regular intervals. Trying to get a kid to do this or do it TO your kid can be problematic. AND excessive blowing can irritate the outside of the nose and make it tender and sore. I am a big advocate of Puffs or even the puffs WITH calming Aloe or some other mysterious softening lotion that is somehow in the fibers of tissue. For an excessively runny nose caused by seasonal or environmental allergies, you can try an over the counter antihistamine- but it is always best to check with your pediatrition first. For runny noses caused by cold or flu, an antihistamine may help alleviate the symptom, but because they slow the production of mucus they can cause germs to linger in the nasal “cavity” longer. What I am really focusing on though, is where do I get one of those contraptions that lady has on her head? I want one! It could be useful in so many many situations. Need a wipey? Oh can't get to your bag? Hold on..I have one on my head. Need to pee on the side of the road? Oh, no toilet paper? Well, it just so happens that my hat......And then of course. Shopping with the 2 year old with the oozing nose? No worries! They can help themselves from the comfort of the cart. Moving on.

Give a salty squirt. Over-the-counter saline (saltwater) drops and sprays, such as Ocean, can help flush out irritants that may be causing the nose to run. Some docs say to put the drops in your child's nose, have him lie on his back on the bed, with his head over the edge. Place two drops in each nostril and let them seep in for two to three minutes. Sounds easy huh? Unfortunately there aren’t many kids who are going to let you squirt water up their nose. I would be hard pressed at the ripe age of 40 to let someone squirt anything up my nose...But follow the details of the diagram VERY carefully because who nose what kid of trouble you could get into?It seems the kitchen table could be an EXCELLENT place to administer up the nose basting.

Suction away those secretions. A baby may have so much excess mucus that it interferes with his breathing and he can't drink or eat comfortably. In this case- time to clear their nose! The fastest way to do this is with a rubber ear bulb, purchased from the drugstore.
Place the baby on his back. Squeeze the bulb, then insert the long, tapered tip in one nostril, and gently release the bulb to suction up the mucus. Withdraw the tip and squeeze the secretions out in a tissue. Repeat with the other nostril. When you're done with the ear bulb, boil it before you use it again. Not only does this work but it is a GREAT way to thoroughly piss off your little one. Make sure you cut their fingernails first.

Use a cool mist humidifier. We use this one a lot at our house and it actually does help. In general, a cool mist vaporizer or humidifier is preferred over a warm mist one because of the risk of your child getting accidentally burned. A cool mist humidifier can be especially helpful for kids that have croup.
Just make sure you keep the machine clean as humidifiers can disperse germs into the air. To minimize this from happening, be sure to follow the manufacturer's directions, and clean your humidifier regularly. Humidifiers can also increase dust mites and mold in your house, and should be avoided if your child has an allergy to dust mites or mold. From experience I would NOT recommend the humidifiers that look like an animal such as an elephant or penguin. My children seem to think it is a fun toy. Ooooo, look at the elephant spew wet smoke everywhere! And it comes apart? Fun!

An easy fix: Prop up the head of the bed. Tuck a strong support under the head of the bed, to elevate it. I have taken books and raised the whole bed. In addition, you can use extra pillows to prop up the child's body even more. The prop should be about 18 inches high. That way, you enlist gravity's help so mucus can drain better. You also help prevent seepage down the back of the throat, which can lead to coughing fits. Telephone books are good.

Fend off cold air with a scarf. If your child's nose drips when she's in cold, windy air, she probably has nonallergic rhinitis, says Lee D. Eisenberg, M.D., assistant professor of otolaryngology at Columbia University College of Physicians and Surgeons in New York City. This is a harmless, common condition that can be remedied by wearing a scarf over the nose to warm the incoming air, he says. My daughter has this and seems to have a runny nose on sunny days occasionally. A fix for this? I have NO idea.

Apple Cider Vinegar. Another natural cure and home remedy for sinus infection is to use Apple Cider Vinegar, which contains potassium. This helps decrease mucus production and have shown to be beneficial as a natural home remedy of sinus infection, runny nose and the common cold. Mix 2 teaspoonfuls of organic Apple Cider Vinegar in a full glass of warm water and drink it up. Do this 3 times a day. I am still trying to figure out how to get my kids to drink this…any ideas?

And then there is the “well duh” solution:
You should also set a goal of drinking around 10 glasses of water everyday. This helps to thin out the mucus which is naturally produced by the body and allows easy drainage through the nasal passages. Besides, if your system is well hydrated it can also help prevent ill health since the body's immune system deteriorates if there is insufficient water in the body. I like to cut up cucumbers and lemons to make a sort of spa water- Healthy and refreshing! Woohoo.

Is a runny nose serious?
A runny nose is usually just annoying. But it can be a sign of a more serious problem. See your doctor if:
*Your symptoms last more than two weeks, or you have a fever lasting more than a few days along with your runny nose.
*Your nasal discharge is green in color, and accompanied by sinus pain or fever. This may be a sign of a bacterial infection.
*Your child's nose is persistently runny on one side only. This might be a sign that a small object is lodged in that nostril. Peas, nuts, small action figures…..
*You have blood in your nasal discharge or a persistent clear discharge after a head injury.
*You have asthma or emphysema, or you're taking immune-suppressing medications.

So remember...Puffs...and letssssnot be snotty!.. get it... lets not...let snot...harhar.
But yes, YOU go ahead and be naughty. You probably deserve it.



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