Is It a Boy or a Girl? 10 fun myths
Oh you MUST be having a girl – your belly is so high! There are countless myths on determining the sex of your child- none of which have any scientific proof. Nonetheless, it can be a fun game to play- at least until you are about 7.5 months pregnant and everyone in line at the supermarket (and their grandmother) seems to know what you are having.
Here are 10 good ones
1) Belly high and round it’s a girl, belly low and sideways it’s a boy. Or the opposite depending on theperson’s beleif making the remark.
2) Baby’s heartrate is over 140 it’s a girl, under 140- it’s a boy
3) Ring test: take a piece of thread and tie it to your wedding ring- hold it over your belly and watch the motion- circle-it’s a boy, side to side- it’s a girl. I have heard the opposite as well. AND apparently because you need your wedding band to do this test, you have to be married…..
4) If Daddy is gaining weight then you are carrying a boy. If he is losing weight, it is a girl.
5) Drano test- mix urine and Drano and the color will determine what sex it is. Green,blue or black it’s a boy. If it turns red, yellow or brown it’s a girl.
6) There is a SECOND Drano test as well…If your pee and the Drano bubbles- it’s a boy. If it does nothing, it’s a girl. Who knew one could have so much fun with Drano?
7) A baby who is very active, kicks, and moves a great deal in the womb is far more likely to be a girl than a boy. According to one delivery-room nurse, "Boys are lazier, even before they are born."
8) If the unborn kicks on the right side of the mother's womb, he's a boy; if on the left, she's a girl
9) A woman who craves sweets is bearing a boy; a desire for sour foods indicates she's carrying a girl.
10) If the unborn baby's female sibling becomes especially clingy towards her mom throughout her mom's pregnancy, a boy is on the way.
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