Tuesday, April 25, 2006

Cruising for names

As I approach the birth of my second child, a boy, due June 5th, I find myself playing the name game all the time. Considering that my pregnancy has been really awful and I always feel sick, I have come up with some REALLY good ones like Osama, Saddam and Adolf. OBVIOUSLY, I would never name my kid any of these names and really do want to find a unique, fun name but after hearing what some celebrities are naming their kids, Bob, John and any other plain and normal name is sounding PRETTY good right about now. I would never name my kid Moses unless, by some miracle, when my water broke it parted and out he came....
Here is a snippet of news from CNN that aired over the weekend that I found particularly funny....

"Suri, the name chosen by Hollywood couple Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes for their newborn daughter, is raising more than its share of interest in Israel.
It means "get out of here" in the local language, Hebrew.
News of the naming puzzled even those Israelis who thought they had seen it all after pop diva Madonna turned the ancient Jewish mystical tradition Kabbalah into a faith for the famous.
"I really don't know what they were thinking when they chose this name. It's a term that denotes expulsion, like 'Get out of here'," said Gideon Goldenberg, a linguistics professor at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem. "It's pretty blunt."
Yaron London, a cultural commentator for Israel's Channel 10 television, had this rhetorical question for Suri's proud parents: "Why didn't you just go back to your ancestors' language, and call the kid 'Scram Cruise'?"
And there are plenty of alternative meanings for Suri.
It's also a Nubian tribe, the word for "rose" in Persian, "sun" in Sanskrit and a term for a form of Alpaca's wool."

So maybe because I am the throw up queen I should name my kid Qow- Hebrew for vomit.....Uh...NO.


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