Friday, May 26, 2006

Food No-nos

In the days of super sizing and obesity I think we should all be aware of these no-nos. I personally do not eat fast food unless I absolutely have to and prefer fresh no-sugar snacks- BUT I do understand that many people DO eat these the best I can do is shed a little light on a few items.

5 foods you should NEVER eat!
1. STARBUCKS Venti Strawberries & Crème Frappuccino Blended crème with whipped cream. Few people have room in their diet for the 770 calories and 19 grams of fat (10 of them saturated- 1/2 a days quota). I shutter to think of the fat content of their new Banana Coconut Frappuccino…
2. Salt’s on! Campbell’s Red and White label soups. HALF a can averages about half of a person’s daily quota of salt.
3. Haagen-Dazs Mint Chip Dazzler (or any other dazzler) has 1270 calories and 38 grams of saturated fat- That is TWO days worth. You could have a T-bone steak with a Caesar salad and baked potato with sour cream and have the same nutritional intake. YIKES!
4. Coronary King: Burger King makes some of the worst French fries you can buy. A king size order packs 600 calories and 3 quarters of your daily maximum for heart unhealthy fat.
5. Out in Left Field: A single Mrs. Fields Milk Chocolate and walnuts cookie has more then 300 calories and as much saturated fat as a 12 ounce sirloin steak It also has 6 teaspoons of sugar. Eww…


At 3:38 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I love your website. It has a lot of great pictures and is very informative.


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