Disciplining Your Toddler

I can’t stand it but, unfortunately, it is something we all have to do.
Apparently, children NEED to be disciplined because they don’t really have the skills to control themselves. They aren’t TRYING to make us crazy- they are just experiencing the world and how they fit into it. They are defining their identity and also seeing what the boundaries are. It is up to us to help them with those boundaries.
There are several methods of discipline that parents use.
#1. Spanking
Spanking doesn’t teach self-control but rather teaches that reacting with violence to things they don’t approve of is okay. I think Spanking is a last resort- when it is perhaps the only way to make the importance of a situation understood.
#2. Time-Outs
I found this very effective with my daughter. I removed her from the situation, told her why she was getting a time out and she had to sit until she quieted down. A time-out isn't really a punishment. It's an opportunity for your child to learn how to cope with frustration and modify his behavior.
#3 Reward method
This is more about complimenting your child when they do good things. Learning through positive feedback. They like praise so it is believed that they will repeat behavior that gets them positive attention. Rewarding the child for good behavior with candy, toys etc.,makes them work for the rewards rather then being motivated from within. This doesn’t actually teach self-control but contributes to wanting the reward. I find the bribery method really effective when I am trying to shop at Target or something. Oh you want this $3 Barbie? Well- if you behave…..worth every penny in my opinion.
#4 Diversion
Getting your kid to focus on something else is sometimes the best way to deal with a situation. Apparently this works best with kids under 3. You don’t have to get angry or act like a police man…you just have to redirect them. Example: your toddler and a friend are fighting over the same toy. You get another one and offer it a and say “Ohh this one looks like fun” or whatever… This sssssort of works with my 3 year old son.....
Whatever methods you use just remember that your child is NOT trying to be a big pain in the butt. They just really don’t know better. There are times when I feel I might explode with frustration and I always try to remind myself of this…