Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Pregnancy and Your Plumbing Problems

Ugh...Pregnancy and dreaded constipation. At 6 1/2 months I am just about at my wits end over this "plumbing problem". I know this is an uncomfortable topic but, hey, we all deal with stuff like this and by the end of pregnancy I think we all pretty much have no pride left anyway. Constipation is just another side effect of pregnancy for some of us and I know I find comfort in knowing a little more about the "situation".

Here are a few reasons for constipation during pregnancy.
The number one reason-as sited by MOST doctors and books, is usually due to the higher levels of hormones such as progesterone which slows down intestinal function. And- gross fact- the longer the stool sits in the large intestine, the harder and drier it gets.
2. Your prenatals can stop you up. Iron is a good reason to wish you could drink Draino.
3. As your uterus grows it can press on the bowels slowing down the passage of the stools (among other things...)
4. Medications. I am taking Zofran (anti-vomit med) which is incredibly constipating. I am sure there are plenty of other medications that have this side effect.. Talk to your OB about it.

Here are some ways of dealing...
1. Drink LOTS of fluids. One can drown the opponent with liquids. Drinking fluids- especially water, veggie and fruit juices, will help move things along. Then there is always prune juice. Yuck.
2. Exercise- an active body encourages active bowels. Just make sure that the activity is suited to and safe for your pregnancy.
3. Increase your fiber intake. Fresh fruit, vegetables, whole grains, legumes and dried fruits are all great choices. Avoid refined foods (basically anything white- white bread, white rice, etc)
4. Over the counter remedies- Metamucil, which now comes in a capsule form...hooray, is safe. Milk of Magnesia can also help. DO NOT take stimulant laxatives-according to the American Pregnancy Association they can make you have uterine contractions . As with any medication- it is always best to discuss these things with your OB first though....
4.There are days when my desire to pass something, anything is higher then my desire not to vomit..So I occasionally take a day off from my meds and it actually really helps even though I feel nauseous and icky.

And a little end note....I was feeling so desperate at one point that I asked my doctor if I could get a colonic. This is not an option during preganacy as it can cause contractions. Bummer.


At 3:36 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Then there's the delivery, and if it's vaginal you had better take a stool softener first thing afterward, and wash it down with fourteen cups of fruit juice (which you'll want anyway). Just do it.


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