OH I've had about enough of parents who use videos as a babysitting tool. Any idiot can tell you that too much television is a BAD THING for children. A children's advocacy group called
The Campaign for a Commercial Free Childhood has now filed complaints with the FTC and is asking them to prohibit the companies from making claims about the videos' educational benefits and putting the
American Association of Pediatrics recommendation sticker on their products recommending no TV and video watching for children under 2. Just like labeling a pack of cigarettes is bad for your health! Apparently the parents complaining about the packaging are upset their children haven't become 'genius' or 'gifted' yet from watching the videos. Look mamas, I hope that we can all decide on our own what is education or not - HOW can classical music and shapes and planets be bad for children to view? How can watching colors and words be bad for kids recite?
I can assure you I'm not into television 24/7 for my kids, almost 3 and 4 mo., but my almost 3 yr old has his knowledge reinforced of his shapes and colors and words and planets from watching Baby Einstein and he loves finding shapes and colors and using his imagination from reading the Brainy Baby books. Oh and I can tell you from experience that Baby Mozart in the car is the ONLY thing that calms the kids down on roadtrips. So while I am in full support of the basics of a commercial-free childhood, I also crave tools that help me through the day. Let's hope the FTC gives us all the benefit of the doubt on good parenting choices.
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