G.I. Joe scares me
A lot of people seem to have issues with letting their boys play with “dolls” but playing with “action figures” is OK. Hasbro overcame boys' dislike of dolls by making G.I. Joe a military figure. G.I. Joe was everything Barbie was not: rugged, bearded, and with a scar on his face to let everyone know that G.I. Joe was a man of action. Like Barbie, Hasbro offered countless accessories for the G.I. Joe dolls. G.I. Joe drove a military jeep, carried guns and grenades, and wore combat boots. In this way, Hasbro made the G.I. Joe attractive to boys and overcame the stigma of playing with dolls.
I have written about Ken before and my frustration with his refusal to come out of the closet. GI Joe seems to be the opposite extreme. If Barbie was my daughter I would MUCH rather she come home with Ken then GI Joe.
I am concerned about toys like GI Joe. I am not sure they are a positive influence on our kids. I am REALLY against guns and don't like the idea of kids pretending to kill anything. So Ken- bring on the tea!
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